【2nd Call For Papers】2010亞洲區開放式課程暨開放教育會議 – 台北
2010 Asia Regional OCW and OE Conference (2010 AROOC) - Taipei伴隨著經濟起飛,亞洲在過去十年當中也經歷了前所未有的高等教育人口及網路人口的成長,亞洲的許多大學開始逐漸體會到社會對網路上開放式教育資源的廣大及強烈需求,這次會議將是亞洲各大學、政府機構及推動開放教育運動人士彼此溝通學習的絕佳機會。會議已經邀請的演講人士包括了來自日本、韓國、中國大陸、越南、美國及台灣等地區投入開放式課程或開放教育的權威人士,從政府官員、大學校長、教授到民間人士,從政策制定者、研究學者到課程教材提供者皆有,但我們更需要的是您的熱情參與。我們歡迎您踴躍投稿,投稿截止日為8月1日(中國大陸投稿者)或8月15日(其他投稿者),會議的邀稿主題包括 :
Development of OpenCourseWare and Open Education Resources : There are many higher education institutes in Asian countries that have participated in this Open Education Movement. It is highly desired for researchers to share how their institutes successfully start the OpenCourseWare, how to choose the courses and development focuses, and key factors to success and failure.

Software applications for OCW and Open Education : Tools, software, or website systems that can advance the use or the promotion of OCW and Open Education.

Use of OCW and Open Education material: Case studies of the use of OCW and Open Education materials inside/outside of the campus.

Sustainability: Financial infrastructure, fund-raising, and different profitable designs in the OCW/Open Education framework.

Intellectual property: How to minimize the fear of intellectual property infringement? How to solve intellectual property issues in OER education object more efficiently?

OER Research: How to improve OER research quality? What are the possible research methods or directions that could be applied in the future OER domain?

Other OER topics: Other topics that are specific to local or institutional OER developments.

台灣開放式課程聯盟暨國立交通大學 敬邀


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